December Quality of Life Update


So much more than a VR drum kit. Learn to drum step by step, flex your skills with the built-in rhythm game, and build your own custom kit from a library of 60+ percussive instruments without the limitations of money or physical space. Fun, intuitive drumming for pros and newcomers alike!

Hi everyone! It has now been a month since our November 'big update' & official Quest Store launch and first of all, a huge thank you for all of your feedback and warm reception so far. We're excited to release the first update for Paradiddle post the November release, which brings various major quality of life improvements and fixes: [list] [*][b]Haptics improvements for Quest headsets[/b] (on both PC and standalone Quest versions): We thought the haptic effects on Quest headsets were too weak until now, so we completely reworked them. You should feel the clearest difference on Quest 3, however you'll feel stronger haptics on other Quest headsets as well. As always, you can tune the intensity of the haptics under Options -> General -> Haptics Intensity. Let us know how you think they compare to the haptics before this update! [*][b]Fixed multiplayer cross-play issues[/b] where Steam and standalone Quest users would be kicked out when joining each others' rooms. This should now be fixed, however let us know on the #multiplayer channel on the Discord if you still run into issues. [*]While using the Fixed Menu Mode setting, your menu will now remain where you placed it until you switch maps or quit the app. [*]Tweaked some cymbal volume levels so they're a bit louder relative to the other instruments - we might keep tuning these in future updates. [*]Fixed Friend Leaderboards not showing any entries from friends. [*]Fixed a UI bug that was always showing player local high scores as 0 in the song menus. These were actually being saved all along, so you shouldn't have lost any of your locally saved high scores. [*] Fixed Rock Band pedal input not working in the app. [*] Fixed an issue where the correct audio output device wasn't loaded properly in a new session if the user had switched it in a previous session. [/list] [h3]Quest Standalone Version Only: [/h3]These changes only affect the Quest Store version of the app, however we're including them here just in case for any Quest players who own the app both on Steam and Quest. [list] [*][b]Graphics improvements on Quest 3:[/b] Increased default render resolution and made the foveated rendering level less aggressive. If you were used to the Low-Medium-High VR resolution options in the previous versions of the app, we're now essentially running the app on the High mode by default on Quest 3. [*][b]Brought back access to the sdcard/Paradiddle folder for custom songs, audio files, PDF files and recordings.[/b] The first time you launch the app, you'll now see a "Manage All Files" permission dialog pop up. This is an Android system-level change that we now have to accommodate - you'll need to enable this permission for the app to be able to use the sdcard/Paradiddle folder again. If you skip it the first time, you can always access this permission again under Options -> File -> Manage Folder Permissions. Note: Paradiddle will only access the sdcard/Paradiddle folder as it did before. If you don't want to give this permission, the sdcard/Android/data/com.tanirganemre.paradiddle/files/Songs/ path will continue working as before. [*][b]MR mode improvements:[/b] If you're using a kit with MR features turned on (to use them with a real life kit), they'll now be autosaved/autoloaded in the same spot in the real world. Added some notifications to let users know their drums will be locked to the real world if they enable MR on a drum. [*]Fixed PDFs not being loaded properly on Quest. [/list] We're always listening to your feedback on Discord, our Canny Board, Reddit, and over email. We have lots of exciting developments planned for next year that we'll share more about within the next few weeks. Until then, happy holidays and happy drumming! [b]And finally, if you're enjoying your time in the app and wouldn't mind spending a few minutes to leave a rating or review, that would be greatly appreciated :)[/b] - Emre, Lead Developer Join us on Discord!: Make suggestions and bug reports on our Canny board: Official Paradiddle website: FAQ: