In this 2D, short narrative-based game, you assume the role of the Grim Reaper... on an office job. Your job is to decide which people are going to live or die. The consequences of your choices are yours to bear, while the mystery of your incarnation awaits revelation!
Hi Grims!
It's Oak here, with a small update on what we've been doing with Death and Taxes. We've continuously strived to get Death and Taxes localized to other languages, and so far it's been going quite well! Recently we've added Turkish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese into the game, and these languages how now received a new round of playtesting, editing and rewrites, increasing the quality of the translations.
In addition, I fixed some smaller bugs related to text rendering, with text being cut off in some places.
Last but not least, I reworked the credits scene after you finish the game, adding the people who have worked on the translations and also making it a bit prettier!
Our next steps is to translate Death and Taxes to Korean and Japanese, and so far they are 12% and 31% done respectively. Stay tuned for more updates on this :)
There is also a community effort to translate the game to Ukranian, and it's already been done as far as 2% ^_^
Spanish translation is also coming along strong at 77%.
So, I hope y'all enjoy the Spring Sale and if you haven't yet, do considering buying Death and Taxes, it would support us immensely to bring new games to you (watch out for an announcement about a new project in this space very soon!). If you have any feedback for us, feel free to share it with us here on Steam or on our Discord!
Much love,
-Death and Taxes