Deadly Night 1.1.0

Deadly Night

Carol is down on her luck, hitchhiking across the country. She arrives at a small roadside motel but there's something strange about the owner. As the secrets unravel, she finds herself entangled in a long, DEADLY NIGHT! Can she escape from hellish nightmare or will she die trying?

[h2]BUGS FIXED[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed controls in the game "RunAway" when using the Gamepad. [*] Fixed bug where the bucket would go through the bathtub collision and could not be picked up again. [*] Fixed the collision of the basement staircase (the character sometimes got stuck). [*] Fixed a bug in the backpack. [*] Fixed a bug that allowed the player to open the inventory while hidden and froze the controls. [*] Fixed a bug in the camera movement when disabling VSync. [*] Fixed a bug that caused diary pages to disappear. [*] Fixed a bug that prevented to get some achievements. [/list] [h2]CHANGES[/h2] [list] [*] Improved video compatibility. [*] The killer no longer patrols some dead-end areas (except if he is chasing you). [*] Most doors in the murderer’s house now have no collision while opening and closing. [*] The bucket holds water longer. [*] The use of the bucket has been improved. [*] Some object descriptions have been changed to make some of the puzzles more intuitive. [*] It is now easier to recognize the killer when he is one floor above the player. [*] Stamina is better balanced. [*] The game volume can now be changed from the Tile Screen – Options – Sound. [*] The lighting in the murderer’s house has been slightly improved. [*] It is now easier to interact with the hideouts. [*] Two difficulty levels are now available (can be selected in the Title Screen – Options – Difficulty). [*] When the killer hits you, it is possible to go through him for a moment to avoid getting stuck and to be able to run away. [/list]