Dead Age 2: Currently on Sale & Update 13: Customer Wishes

Grotesque Tactics 2 – Dungeons and Donuts

In this successor to the celebrated RPG-parody Grotesque Tactics, you will experience an ironic story-driven RPG with humorous dialogue-puzzles in the style of Monkey Island.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/25280611/2880f9ee5484f30e7f8ea4800428debd4c5e338a.png[/img] Dear Grotesque players, [b]Our latest game Dead Age 2 is currently on Sale. [/b]Here you can see our current roadmap , check this out: If you want to support us, [i]please write a review[/i], so that we also survive in our huge quest. [b]Customer Wishes[/b] -[b]enabled Steam Cloud Sync[/b] for the 3 save slots -[b]added new Spanish - Spain localization[/b] since the current one was more Latin American Spain -added new character chatters when a character gets infected -added new character chatters when ammunition for a weapon type gets low -[b]added a new retreat button[/b] to the ingame menu that lets you reset your run immediately and sends you back to the character selection screen [b]Bugfixes[/b] -fixed that the "skip intro" button in the character selection screen could behave inconsistently -fixed that healing values of medical items were not displayed correctly in inventory gui -fixed an AI bug that could cause the combat to get stuck -added new hint messages when a character in your camp is about to die because of infection, hunger etc. -fixed that the ambush encounter in the cave at the abandoned camping site was not working like an actual ambush fight -fixed that there was no passage from forest grave to the northern smuggler base by foot which should be possible after the first trip via the yacht -fixed some possible inconsistencies with the fullscreen and borderless window settings and how they are saved to disk and reapplied on next game start -fixed that the injured civilian event always had the ambush outcome and none of the other -fixed missing achievement names in the list of achievements and fix for cramped text formatting in the description field of the upgrade screen All the best and stay healthy! Rayk & the Silent Dreams Team (HolyAvatar im Steam Forum)