DDS2 free demo is out! Play with your friends in coop

Drug Dealer Simulator

Have you ever thought about expanding your own crime empire, without the legal and moral consequences? SIMULATE IT! Crawl into the dark alleys of the drug dealing business. Now with SIX big free updates introducing new mechanics, maps... and a sequel - DDS2 - coming SOON!

[b]It’s here![/b] The FREE coop demo for DDS2 will be available for everyone since today, 3 PM CET up until January 2. Don’t dawdle, get two more friends and play in a 3-person coop! Or alone, whatever strikes your fancy. Time to get your hands on the demo! Having problems with something? PizzaInTheHood created a [url=]Demo Guide[/url] for y’all. Thanks, man! Wanna read more about the features from the demo? No problem! Here’s a collection of posts with DDS2 features! [url=]DevLog 1: Drugs[/url] [url=]DevLog 2: Deals[/url] [url=]DevLog 3: Transportation[/url] [url=]DevLog 4: Hideouts[/url] [url=]DevLog 5: Clothes[/url] [url=]DevLog 6: Coop[/url] [url=]DevLog 7: Crime[/url] Get playing!