Dark and Light Minor Patch 5/30

Dark and Light

Dark and Light is a vast sandbox survival RPG set in a world dominated by powerful elemental forces. Find your way in a meticulously crafted world, featuring breathtaking landscapes, a wide variety of mythical creatures, and limitless possibility to craft, build, and unlock dozens of powerful weapons, spells, and skills.

Greetings Adventurers, We pushed an minor update at 1:00 am PST on May 30 to fix data loss that might have been incurred during server transfer. We will continue to keep an eye out for any similar issues, and we encourage you to submit a ticket to [url=https://support.playdnl.com/hc/en-us/requests/new] DnL Support [/url] or submit a bug report to [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_3dNNHEttDORydefV-LdQAr9HWkzWgBmZqBNnfQRir7K7Fw/viewform?edit_requested=true] DnL Bug Report [/url] if you encounter data loss in the future. Thank you.