DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours Rev. 6693: Fixing Save Data Corruption

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours

DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours is the latest installment in Taito's DARIUS series of arcade-style shooting games. Blast hordes of alien sea-monsters, and blaze your own trail through branching environments.

We have important news for those of you affected by the save data corruption bug: today's update changes the way the game treats corrupted save data meaning when you receive the message about the data, choosing 'no' will result in the corrupted data being kept. We need you to send this save data to us so the developer can track down and remove this bug. [h1]Error message:[/h1] [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10954844/8b96c1cfb36b26b3e54a81003e58eb4fb3b59dca.jpg[/img] [h1]How to find & save corrupted save data[/h1] [olist] [*]After you see the message above, choose 'No'. [*]Return to Windows and locate your save data (details below) [*]Zip the contents of the save data folder and email it here: games@degica.com When emailing, please use the following title: "DariusBurst CS Corrupted Save Data"[/olist] [h1]Save Data locations:[/h1] Steam default install: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\User ID(*)\377870\remote Steam custom install: your chosen file path here\userdata\User ID(*)\377870\remote * 'User ID' is your individual Steam ID number.