Daily Filter: August 8, 2011

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter is a visually upgraded and fully Steam supported remake of the original high-adrenaline single-play and 16-player co-operative arcade-action FPS and Gamespot's Game of the Month!

Shacknews receives a slew of new screenshots and trailers for upcoming games everyday. The most anticipated titles receive their own post, because we know you're eager to see that content. For the rest, we have the Daily Filter, a place to feature all of the media we add to our enormous database on a daily basis.

Today's Filter features a developer diary for Bodycount, a teaser trailer for Deepak Chopra's Leela, and new screenshots for Sid Meier's Civilization V.


Deepak Chopra's Leela

Sid Meier's Civilization V