D3PUBLISHER Spring Sales Campaign!

Onechanbara Z2: Chaos

Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is the latest entry in the Onechanbara series. Two sets of buxom vampire sisters battle through over a dozen stages of high-octane real-time swordplay. Fight off the invasion in gruesome detail, occasionally transforming into a demon for short bursts of added power and speed.

Save up to 60% on D3PUBLISHER games during the campaign. Now, you can save up to 60% on "Onechanbara Z2: Chaos" as well. Don't miss this chance! ※ This Spring Sales Campaign will end at March 31st, 2019 10:00 AM (Pacific Time). [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25212105/a27a3440e5276d0791dcb2cf28679a58f91606b1.png[/img]