
The Diary

Several diaries gradually reveal the thrilling story of a missing case; after multiple deductions, are the answers in the past or present? With frequent plot twists, you never know which is the truth and which is the unexpected; in a dense fog, time buries the past, but the marks remain.

Hi,大家好! [h3]《她的日记》将于本周六、周日(9月9日-9月10日)参加北京“核聚变”游戏展![/h3] 欢迎大家来我们的展位[b]taptap独立游戏区D19[/b]试玩体验最新的游戏内容,还有精美透卡赠送哦~ - 展会地点:北京·北人亦创国际会展中心 - 地址:北京市大兴区亦庄荣昌东街6号 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44109841/72518d17282e8913b75ad371d927536ef548a558.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44109841/a2ac8b8cd854864a8cd3da056e4047bbfaca8ccd.jpg[/img] 我们的展位将有: [list] [*] 第一本日记内容及全新的“头脑风暴”内容试玩; [*] 与开发组成员近距离交流; [*] 试玩即送精美游戏透卡周边! [/list] 欢迎大家前来试玩! 别忘了把游戏加入愿望单哦: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2343880/ 有任何反馈、建议或想法,请加入《她的日记》官方Q群:337179598