
Cybershoes Let You Walk Your VR Games without Limits.This is the driver for Cybershoes. It includes a dashboard as well.Cybershoes are a popular VR controller for FPS, open-world, adventure, riddle, and social games.

[previewyoutube=Z-O2bThYd_M;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Set Reminder ON[/b] Cyberbuddy, to demonstrate the power of in-game locomotion, Cybershoes has organized a tournament in collaboration with the VR Master League (VRML) and the Between Realities VR podcast! On May 29, three teams of three prominent VR YouTubers each will compete in the military competitive multiplayer shooter VR game Contractors while using their Cybershoes. The three teams will be captained by Gamertag VR, Soul Fox Gaming, and ProperD, respectively. Casting the tournament is VRML’s own "TheNightFiree". VR content creators battling it out, VRML shoutcasting it, for everyone to join in and see. It's going to be great and we hope you'll tune in more info: