Customizable Starting Records Added

Boxing Club Manager

You've waited long enough. Boxing management is now in your gloves. Winning fights is your goal. Running the best gym is your future. Take control. Train and steer your boxers to glory in the ring! Build up your gym, make it World class!

[h2]Starting Records[/h2] By default, there are now starting records for NEW GAMES based on the average attributes of each fighter. You can adjust the maximums and variances or set it to start with 0 0 0 records in the advanced settings in the main menu. You may want to start with 0 0 0 records so that records are accumulated from scratch during game time. This is how it previously worked. As a new manager for the Gym, earnings will represent gameplay earnings and start at 0 for you, your gym and your fighters. Earnings will be during your time as the new manager. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41526890/547b140b6512d3730d527465c462bc4bdf55035f.png[/img] Below is the fighter display on the select gym screen, if there are starting records (i.e. they are not 0 0 0) it displays them under the Pro/Amateur title. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41526890/8c2ad5623872ef194d4e66ce974e7707300850c5.png[/img] There is a new option in settings to edit the ranges of the starting records - Advanced Customisation. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41526890/064e8281b9c60a3c74bc7bfe143895d7e827ce28.png[/img] This will bring you to the screen below. There is a switch "USE STARTING RECORDS" by default it is on, the option is there to go back to not using starting records and starting fighters with 0,0,0 should you want to. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41526890/1741a65b989d02622cd9329e3481a67fdd9c8d28.png[/img]