Customers have a story to tell…

Road Diner Simulator

Buy an abandoned road diner and restore it to its full glory. Renovate, upgrade and expand the diner to offer more to your customers and attract new clientele.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41182526/b1a82b23a2408eb45cea1b93864da74de97ca3f2.jpg[/img] Customers are pretty much the backbone of running your business at the diner. If you are familiar with our customers in Gas Station Simulator, you might have noticed that we will need a lot more depth when it comes to customers for a diner since their stay at a diner is seldom as brief as it is on a gas station. We hence decided to create a new customer system that all of our interconnected games will share. One key aspect of this new system is to give more depth to customers to have their unique personalities, interests and stories to tell on top of the stats and skills we need for Road Diner. Depending on how satisfied they are and how much time they spend at your business, the more they will open up. So when at the gas station, they will start dropping hints here and there, small remarks or let you in about their goals and/or journey, while spending more time at the road diner they will open up a lot more, especially if you already met them before while running the gas station. You will get to know them a lot better as they will be repeat customers. In Motel Simulator, since their stay will be even longer, we will create events around those customers. So over the course of 2 or 3 games you get to know some of them pretty well and form a deeper relationship, especially since they will revisit your business - unless you do a really poor job running it and they will just stay away from your establishment. So in all 3 games we can look forward to a lot of happening when it comes to customers. We also want to create special customers who are from around the area and as you progress within the games will visit you more frequently providing more insights into your businesses and voicing their ideas for improvements or concerns more clearly and detailed than usual customers do. Like giving you a bit more of a helping hand.