CryptoClickers v1.2

CryptoClickers: Crypto Idle Game

CryptoClickers is a complex Incremental Game revolved around Cryptocurrencies that's full of unique game modes, upgrades, challenges, events, and a double layer prestige system!

[h1]CryptoClickers v1.2[/h1] More bug fixing, Challenges and Node have been redone! [h2]Added[/h2] [list] [*] Added Paste button in Save Settings. [*] Added Daily Rewards [*] Node has been completely redone, Node 2.0 has now been added! Unfortunately progress for Node will be reset... this is because the new node is completely different. [/list] [h2]Changed[/h2] [list] [*] Challenge completions have been reduced a lot (30s -> 10s, some 20s -> 10s). Challenge goals are scaled as if you are completing 2-3 challenges (depending on the challenges that were reduced, same with server rewards. [*] Confused? Just know that you will have to do a lot less challenges now, and rewards should seem easier and not repetitive to get. [*] C8’s goal is buffed, and its reward has been nerfed. Too overpowered. [*] Coil’s drain time was just crazy, nerfed it a ton. [*] Reduced the costs of some Server Automation Upgrade costs. [*] Improved the equation for Halvening Shard gains (after you get bypass infinity) [*] Micro Faucets now cost 1e200 Bitcoin in BIT Unlockable upgrades. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed C4 from causing Infinity in Achievements. [*] C18 and C3 should now be purchasable for all 5 completions. [*] Challenge UI will now update on load, Grand Hardfork, and after Challenge completion. [*] Coils and Bitcoin Micro Faucets now import. [*] AFK mode should display days AFK (why are you AFK this long ) [*] Fixed the bug where speed tokens notification would show up if you had more than 0 but less than 1 tokens. [*] Node Synced Data now caps at 1e1000 instead of resetting it (previously to prevent an NaN). [*] Server button should now be intractable after your Grand Hardfork. [*] Keybinds for generators now don’t work in C6. [*] Fixed some Server upgrade costs. [*] Daily Challenge notification should now bring you to the right destination! All aboard! [*] Bitcoin Grand Hardfork screen doesn’t cover up the entire screen anymore. [*] Hardfork stays unlocked after 1e9 Ethereum. [*] You will now get the correct amount of IP when using Buy Max (Node was not boosting Value 1 buy max). [*] Fixed Speedruns toggling off the Keep Server BIT Upgrade [*] You will no longer see notifications for features that haven’t been unlocked yet. [*] Secret game mode now imports when you import a save. [/list] [h2]Removed[/h2] [list] [*] Daily Code, I kept forgetting and really, it was an unreliable system anyways. Replacing with Daily Rewards. [*] Daily Video [*] Old Node [/list] [h3]Thank you and enjoy, thanks for being patient! Sorry about Node being reset, but I definitely think this is for the better. It will make getting to 1.79e308 Ethereum much easier and it has way more boosts for Ethereum and Bitcoin than the old Node! CryptoGrounds[/h3]