Dear Sir/Madam,
if you are reading this, you are probably keen on insulting people. But if you also happen to fancy more old-fashioned kind of violence, the one that involves blood, guts, axes and magical powers, you surely will be delighted to play our other game: a barbaric RTS entitled [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/406850/][b]Crush Your Enemies[/b][/url]. Now is a perfect moment to familiarize with the latter, as it has just been updated with a keg filled with FREE new content (this includes 11 new levels!) and starting from today for one week only, it’s going to be on sale for [b]65% off for $3,49[/b].
For even better bargain buy [url=http://store.steampowered.com/bundle/1820/][b]The Vile Monarch Playlist BUNDLE[/b][/url], which includes Crush Your Enemies, Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator, and the original Oh...Sir! Prototype.
Yours truly,
Vile Monarch