Croixleur SIgma Build Updates & Improvements!

[Old Edition] Croixleur Sigma

Wielding magical blades, four girls fight back encroaching waves of monsters in this exhilirating hack & slash action game!

Hi all! We just uploaded a new build of the game with several updates & improvements. Here are the changes: ★ CroixleurConfig.exe options and functionality for have been moved to the in-game Option menu and CroixleurConfig.exe has been removed - Some options require the game to be restarted to take effect ★ The score ceiling has been raised - The previous score ceiling was 1,999,999,999 - Now additional points are awarded depending on the number of enemies defeated - Each enemy awards 1-9 points ★ The number of weapons collected is now displayed on the Weapons Select screen - It's now possible to tell how many weapons there are left to collect ★ A 'Retry' option has been added to the Game Over screen ★ Some tweaks to better match achievement criteria to the descriptions The game should automatically update from your Steam client. Thanks all for playing!!