Crimzon Clover - World EXplosion - v1.13f Update

Crimzon Clover World EXplosion

Prepare yourself for an insatiable rain of bullets, bombs, and beams in Crimzon Clover. Earn all the power-ups for an overpowered experience in the all new ARRANGE version.

Dear users, We have some exciting news: With the newest update version [b]1.13f[/b], Crimzon Clover World EXplosion is now officially [b]"Deck Verified"[/b] title! Now you can blast your way through the game on the go and be sure that it is going to play just as good as sitting at home on your PC! So load it up on your Steam Deck, and have fun blasting away for a new high score. We hope you continue to enjoy the game, good hunting everyone! [h3]Update[/h3] [list] [*]Updated controller glyphs to match Steam Deck controllers [/list] If you have any other feedback, please let us know. Cheers, Komodo team