Josh Powlison's BUTTON: Mildly Remastered Edition

Press a button. Increment a number. Change reality. The instant classic returns for a mildly remastered electric boogaloo on modern computer systems. Once again experience the euphoria of button pressing with Josh Powlison's striking developer commentary to guide you.

It's a late night, and I've been up for a while not sleeping. So what do I do? What any reasonable game developer would do. I [b]go to my source of inspiration[/b]. (I put that in bold because it's good advice) Here's mine. I hope it inspires you: [url=][/url] Euphorically yours, Josh Powlison Creator of [i]Josh Powlison's BUTTON: Mildly Remastered Edition[/i] PS: I don't know when the next update will be out, but it will be. I just have to let the thoughts percolate for a while, like a broken coffee maker. Except even though, in the metaphor, I guess I can't afford to fix the coffee maker, or I am the coffee maker, or something like that... I've got really good beans. Trust me. ːReeneOKː