Cozy it Up in Lightyear Frontier: Coziness System Deep Dive!

Lightyear Frontier

Lightyear Frontier is a peaceful open-world farming adventure on a planet at the far edge of the galaxy. Climb into your versatile mech and start your new home on a distant planet with up to 3 friends as you farm alien crops, build your own homestead, and explore the untamed wilderness of the world.

[i]Gather your loved ones, collect some wood for a fire, and snuggle up in a beach chair together to watch the sun set behind the edge of your planet. [b]It’s time to get cozy![/b][/i] [h3]Gettin Cozy in Lightyear Frontier[/h3] Creating a cozy homestead is crucial to feeling at home, especially on a far-away planet! That’s why we’ve created a system that rewards you with bonus effects in-game for taking your sweet ol’ time to decorate. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41007923/a47fbd4b4abc40454e186bd4040427f3603b35e1.jpg[/img] [h3]The Coziness System[/h3] Our Coziness system comes with four different buffs that’ll help you thrive on the Frontier: [b]Keen Eye[/b], [b]Animal Friend[/b], [b]Critical Strike[/b], and [b]Bountiful Yield[/b]. To unlock these handy dandy buffs, you'll need to level up your homestead's Coziness level. For each level of Coziness, a new buff will become available. While a humble tent will only give you access to level 1 Coziness, the Mansion can reach the highest level of 4! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41007923/0e118882151ec3a4e45c8138dae23b0fe89a3441.png[/img] Make sure you and your friends stop on by your homestead to activate the buff before heading out on your adventures in the Frontier! The buffs reset at the end of the day, making it an ideal time to return to your farm, drop off collected materials, and get some rest in. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41007923/f4f8cf89d9ef02988c3bef5549501e461c00554a.gif[/img] To get the sweet effect of the buffs, build your decorations within the homestead area – indicated by the surrounding white lines that pop up when you’re placing the hologram! Each piece of decoration built within range will increase your Coziness points, but having different pieces of decorations grants y’all more points than having multiples of the same kind! Crafting and producing resources is crucial to getting around in Lightyear Frontier, but ain’t nothing cozy about waking up next to a noisy Grinder! Make sure to build your work sheds separate from your homestead area, as they won’t increase your Coziness value. [h3]Cozy & Family Friendly Games Celebration[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41007923/b22f661ba870c74c94410b24e5b29c5fc60a5643.jpg[/img] Thank you to our friends over at rokaplay for inviting us to be part of this year's Cozy & Family Friendly Games Celebration! Check out some other cozy games in the sale over [] here [/url] We’re always looking for ways to make our game even cozier. Let us know what cozy things you like to see more of in Lightyear Frontier in the comments or swing on by our Discord! The door may be a bit rusty, but it’s always open for you, our fellow exofarmers! Happy decorating! [][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41007923/442373c168c1418322f756309c182df40e2f83bb.png[/img][/url] -- Follow our social pages for the latest on Lightyear Frontier: [h3][url=]X/Twitter[/url][/h3] [h3][url=]Instagram[/url][/h3] [h3][url=]TikTok[/url][/h3] [h3][]Discord[/url][/h3]