As the captain of the pirate ship Sam, you'll dive into the adventure of a mystical archipelago brimming with secrets and treasures. Utilize your pirate skills and ancient artifacts to rescue your crew members scattered across various islands and uncover the dark secrets of a mysterious temple.
1. [b]Fixed getting stuck in this location if you didn't kill the wolf from above[/b] -
2. [b]Fixed the possibility of getting stuck between the platform and the ceiling in the location with buttons[/b] -
3. [b]Fixed the possibility of flying out of the level when using the cloud in this location -[/b]
4. [spoiler]It is now possible to buy all items in the store before the last boss.[/spoiler]
Much appreciation for the bug report to:
- [url=]quithate[/url]
- [url=]Александр Сычев[/url]