Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World is an RPG game where the player takes on the role of an animal and must survive in a classic fantasy world while trying to find out what happened in their past.

Hello, my name is Marcelo, and I would like to inform some changes in the game. These changes are related to texts that are not showing correct information. [h2]Correction[/h2] [list] [*] 2nd generation requested 25 Synthesis Points, but that was wrong. The actual amount needed is 50 Synthesis Points. [*] 3rd generation requirement level 35 or more, but the actual required is level 45 or more. [/list] I apologize for the inconvenience caused, and I will be trying to correct any other problem that appears as soon as possible. If you encounter any bug or critical error, please report them by email: