Cool off this summer with Alien Hominid HD on sale!

Alien Hominid HD

The 2D side-scrolling shooter from The Behemoth is back! With your mighty blaster and a group of mysterious kids by your side, destroy the agency and reclaim your spaceship!

It's time to don your favorite alien hat and do a happy dance! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44549456/cd6800814ea4c057c5d72a46a92ba6303c729a51.gif[/img] Alien Hominid HD is 20% off thanks to Steam's annual Summer Sale! Tell your friends! Tell your fellow aliens! Tell your mom (if she likes 2D side-scrolling alien adventures)! [h2]Alien Hominid HD - 20% Off [/h2] But wait, there's more! The Behemoth's entire game collection is on sale to celebrate the warm Summer months! Check 'em out, or don't — the choice is up to you. And your wallet, really. [h3]Alien Hominid Invasion - 25% Off[/h3] [h3]Castle Crashers - 90% Off [/h3] [h3]BattleBlock Theater - 70% Off[/h3] [h3]Pit People - 60% Off[/h3]