๐ŸŽฎ Controller support & more in update 2.2

Singled Out

A quick-fire identification game. With a sniper rifle. ~ GMTK 2019 Game Jam winner, updated and improved for Steam!

How time flies, huh? It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since this game first hit Steam, off the back of the GMTK 2019 game jam. To celebrate a whole year apprehending galactic supercriminals, enjoy this hearty sale on Steam and a new updated version. [b]Version 2.2 is now available for Singled Out, featuring...[/b] [list][*]full controller support [*]improved face readability [*]many quality-of-life improvements[/list] Also, of course, those obligatory bug fixes (including a fix for the 50,000 point achievement failing to unlock for all you top-tier players). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35677712/ce68758263e1af4403d505a833becd0fbff764d9.gif[/img] If you already played the game at launch, be sure to check out some of the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1144150/announcements/detail/1685967148909649938]other new features[/url] added since then. Read on for the full list of changes. [url=https://discord.gg/zCyJuy8][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35677712/9af8d0a32eac3cbe589ae852c8f62387b86fa5bc.png[/img][/url] [i]Did you know I have a [url=https://discord.gg/zCyJuy8]Discord[/url] too? Come and chat about Singled Out, [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/mattglanville]my other games[/url] and game development in general![/i] [h2]๐Ÿ†• Changes[/h2] [list][*]Controller, keyboard and touch input now supported. You can hot-swap between methods at any time. [*]Improved readability of several ear-types and the heart-shaped face type. [*]Reduced the time it takes to reload. [*]Faces now appear twice as fast when the level starts. [*]Character faces now grow slightly when you hover your crosshair over them, to make it clearer which character you're targetting. [*]Added splash screen during initial loading. [*]Added icons and animations to the leaderboards during network activity. [*]Added a second confirmation step when you try to quit your game between levels. [*]Most menu buttons now have graphical icons. [*]Added local achievements menu to check progress in-game. [*]Added comma to long numbers (e.g. 10,000 instead of 10000). [*]Practice Mode no longer includes the boss level. [*]Game controls are now displayed when you start a new game. [*]Added option for controller/keyboard sensitivity. [*]Added trophy icon to the mode selection menu, which appears when you complete each mode. [*]Character hit circles are now slightly larger. [*]Added Unity Analytics so I can better understand how you're all playing. [*]Screen resolution is now clamped to 720p if 1080p is not supported. This ensures 16:9 aspect ratio so that the interface can be viewed properly.[/list] [h2]๐Ÿ› Bug fixes[/h2] [list][*]Fixed "Paid in Full" achievement failing to unlock. [*]Fixed score-based achievements not unlocking if you run out of time. [*]Fixed score-based achievements trying to unlock too early, before your score is updated. [*]Text characters which are unsupported by the GUI font are not displayed in leaderboards names, which means they do not fall back to an overly-large font. [*]Fixed incorrect kill count achievement values. [*]Fixed 'tag' function not working the first time you try to use it on a character. [*]Character hit circles no longer scale with their animation.[/list] [url=http://eepurl.com/gv2FRT][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35677712/bab2161f9e535d034eb6d28149b4ab133325fa75.png[/img][/url] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/mattglanville][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35677712/d20d0f13c6459a6126731bfbbd58e895b3e445c5.png[/img][/url] P.S. Did you know Singled Out is now available on Nintendo Switch as well? Find it on the Nintendo eShop and start making your way to the top of those leaderboards too. ๐Ÿ˜Ž