Content Update 0.2.2

The Blight

The Blight aims to evolve the open world survival with unprecedented levels of horror, strategy, and prediction, where knowledge and skills become the ultimate weapons for long-term survival.

[b]Greetings survivor[/b], A new update hits the ground, with some brand new stuff besides massive fixes & game balances. Apparently the zombie outbreak was not as rough as the bug outbreak on this blighted island! If you have any issues or questions regarding this or any previous patch, don't hesitate to drop down a comment. We heavily recommend [b]creating new saves[/b], since the update 0.2.2 changed heavily the save system. Thank you for the great feedback! [h1]New Content:[/h1] [i]* Added Buildable: Crafting Table * Added Buildable: Forge * Added Buildable: Stone Fence * Added Buildable: Bed * Added Buildable: Metal Storage Crate * Added Buildable: Tent * Added Craftable: Stone Pickaxe * Added Craftable: Bone Knife * Added Craftable: Bone Club * Added Craftable: Steel Axe * Added Craftable: Steel Pickaxe * Added Craftable: Leather Boots * Added Item: Snack Bar * Added Item: Soda Can * Added Item: Medkit * Added Item: Duct Tape * Added Item: Batteries * Added Item: Fly Amanita * Added Item: Bones * Added Item: Iron Ingot * Added Item: Iron Ore * Added Mechanic: Mining * Added AI: Fox * Added AI: Wolves * Added AI: Survivor * Added SFX: 4 New Theme Ambience Soundtracks * Added New hidden Point-of-Interest * Added New hidden Firearm * Added Steam Cloud saves[/i] [h1]Fixes & Improvements:[/h1] [i]* Improved Treasure Chest Model & Loot tables * Improved Spear & Bow projectile velocity * Improved AI pathing (less tree hugging) * Improved Save System savetime (takes longer to save the higher the resolution is) * Fixed cursor getting stuck when spamming craftables * Fixed Health Bar getting stuck after healing full * Fixed infinite sticks glitch from pickup * Fixed Character getting stuck in crouch animation after sliding * Fixed Gatherable Health Indicator on various material sources * Fixed Buildables not being saved properly (ec. Custom building!) * Fixed Some Premade Buildables missing a door * Fixed Storage crate causing audio issues * Fixed main menu not receiving input * Fixed Player respawning into beds & sleeping bags * Fixed various buildable socketing issues * Fixed bullets counting as fuel type * Fixed Campfires granting negative tempature once lit * Fixed Sun dissappearing from loaded games (previous saves) * Fixed multiple wrong surface sounds on various buildables * Fixed rocks falling trough terrain once dropped * Fixed trees sometimes exploding * Fixed Zombie damage causing too high critical damage[/i] [h1]Balances & Changes:[/h1] [i]* Balanced AI Damage / Health slightly * Balanced Player Carry Capacity * Balanced Deer Loot Tables * Balanced Player Stamina Pool * Balanced Player Death Penalty * Balanced Axe gathering distance * Balanced Handcrafting recipies * Balanced various crafting recipies to be less tedious * Balanced Player Start Loadout * Optimized AI spawning (less aggressive) * Optimized Resource spawns on wilderness * Optimized Animal sounds (Less deer screaming..) * Optimized UI Layout * Added .NET frameworks to prepare future Co-op Update[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] The upcoming 0.2.3 will focus heavily on improving the sandbox elements of The Blight, allowing players to gather every tree or plant type in the game. The Co-op mode is undergoing heavy testing, but is predicted to launch in a close future. Stay safe.