Content patch now live!

Shattered Throne

Shattered Throne is a turn based fantasy strategy game that will challenge your skills as a general. No luck to blame, only your ability to master the unique units and leaders to exploit the combo system will decide if you are victorious.

The first post release content patch is now live, bringing a new host of maps and game play modes, as well as some key balance updates. [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] Game features now unlocked through aquiring stars, currently supports unlocks up to 50 stars (up to 100 in next content patch) [*] New Profile screen accessable from title page shows current and future unlocks, and allows a player to reset their progress [*] Skirmish screen updated to consistent across resolution sizes and UI animation removed [*] Campaign Hard and Challenge mode maps now available once unlocked [*] New Puzzle mode scenarios now available when unlocked [*] Additional Skirmish pre-deployed and battle maps now available as an unlock [*] Editor allows players to apply special rules and challenges to their maps via a new toolbar button with a star icon [*] Projectiles and other animations now sped up based on selected game speed [*] Fast and Very Fast game speeds increased slightly [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Mummies which die via deathmark, now correctly poison their target even when overruned [*] Additional error logging added to enable better bug discovery in the future [/list] [b]Balance Changes[/b] [list] [*] Revenge now only deals half of damage suffered (rather than all) [*] Haste granted by Trade Posts now lasts two turns (up from 1) [*]Empire [list] [*] Frigate Defense increased from 1 to 2 [*] Galley Range increased from 3 to 4 and Cost decreased from 70 to 65 [*] Prince Valis: Charge ability no longer applies to Mounted troops, only Foot [*] General Thraxian: Valor power now refreshes DAMAGED units with 4 or less HP (up from 3) [/list] [*]Undead [list] [*] Skeleton Health increased from 4 to 5 [*] Mummy health reduced from 22 to 18 and defense increased from 0 to 1 [*] Necromancer Defense increased from 0 to 1 [*] Vampire gains Magic Strike at champion level instead of Dodge [*] Reaver cost reduced from 55 to 50 [/list] [*]Fae [list] [*] Ranger base move reduced from 8 to 6, Hero and Champion level benefits swapped [*] Druid move reduced from 8 to 6, Attack from 2 to 1, Health from 7 to 6 and cost from 40 to 35 [*] Glade Rider gains Dodge at champion level instead of Camouflage [*] Treant move reduced from 6 to 5 [*] Destroyer move reduced from 7 to 6 and range from 4 to 3. Defense increased from 0 to 1. Gains Range increase at Silver level instead of Attack increase [*] Ark move reduced from 6 to 5 [*] Stormlord Gantree, Eagle eye cost increased from 3 to 4 [/list] [/list]