[Connection Comfirmed] STARVEIL PROTOCOL A.A.A. joins Anime Game Festival


STARVEIL PROTOCOL A.A.A. is a text-based role-playing game inspired by PC-98 era Japanese text adventures. In this chaotic and dangerous dystopian cyberpunk world, players must overcome challenges through dice rolls and their character's skills, like in tabletop role-playing games.

[Connection Confirmed: Success] [Location: Anime Game Festival] STARVEIL PROTOCOL A.A.A. joins the Anime Game Festival. Don't miss out if you're interested in an anime-themed game. Wishlist NOW: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2666160/_AAA/ Event Dates: August 27 to September 3 Link: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/42119506/sale/ANIMEGAMEFESTIVAL Thank you for your support of STARTVEIL PROTOCOL A.A.A.. See you in the future! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44747782/357e7ddb138aec00da360f44b73a8e456929c60b.png[/img]