Congrats Team ADD on winning the Asian Regional Tourney!

Super Buckyball Tournament

Super Buckyball Tournament is a multiplayer superpower sports game featuring 3v3 team-based combat in cyberpunk-themed stadiums. Select your character, pass, kick and pave the way to victory!

The Asian tourney has concluded, congrats Team 啊对对 (ADD) on winning the Asian regional series! You can watch the tournament replay on our official Twitch channel to see how they performed! [h3]The Global Tournament is scheduled to go live this [u][b]Sunday (Jan 9th), at 8AM EST/2PM CET[/b][/u], we invite everyone to join and witness the first-ever SBT Global Champions![/h3] More details about the Global Tourney will be announced over the next day or two, stay tuned!