Competitive professionals are going to love this one...

Happy new year everyone! [h1]2024 Vision[/h1] I'll get right to the point. We're doubling down on Clipbase and more apps designed to make you a better human. We believe that the competitive players using our other apps like Crosshair X and Crosshair V2 will eventually grow into competitive professionals looking to get an edge in their careers and here's where our productivity line of apps like Clipbase come into play. We highly encourage you join our Discord if you want to request a feature or be a part of the app's future: [url=]Discord Link[/url] [h1]New look[/h1] Right off the bat, you'll notice that we migrated the app's appearance to the classic premium aesthetic of our other paid applications. Don't worry, you can switch between dark and light themes in the settings to match your styling preference. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43810317/6f0d825b188384000aead93d625609da22c6b748.png[/img] [h1]Main Page[/h1] There's a couple updates across the main page you're going to love: [list] [*] Added the ability to edit text in preview (requested in our Discord) [*] Added the ability to wrap or un-wrap the text in the preview [*] Added a copy button to the preview instead of clicking on the preview to copy [*] Added keyboard shortcuts to easily select between Recent, Favorites, and first 3 clips [*] Added visual guidance for shortcuts when you press the Alt key [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43810317/74b970ad3691f9a73073c29b454558930e1259a6.png[/img] [h1]Settings page[/h1] For the people who love customization, the settings page got an overhaul as well: [list] [*] Added a 'Never' wipe cycle (also highly requested in our Discord) [*] Added the ability to switch between themes [*] Added the ability to choose different default positions after you copy a clip [*] Added a shortcut table so users can easily all the shortcuts within the app [*] Added the ability to change a few of the shortcuts [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43810317/2587e2291801940a7366a6dc939991dbba49bdfb.png[/img] [h1]Bug Fixes and Quality of life improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed white flash on opening the menu [*] Added a standard title bar to close and minimize or maximize the menu [*] Move settings icon in order to make the title bar smaller [*] Added a better tutorial for new users [*] Changed default open menu shortcut to Alt + C (only new users will see this change) [/list] We have more coming so just stay tuned and again, join our Discord and tell your professional friends about Clipbase! [url=]Discord Link[/url]