Command: The Silent Service is OUT!

Command: The Silent Service

Submarine warfare from post-WW2 to the present day! Lay mines, strike land targets with cruise and ballistic missiles, creep up to surface ships to take hull shots undetected, sniff sensitive electronic emissions, tap undersea communications cables, covertly deliver special-forces teams ashore, and of course hunt down anything on the sea...

[i]Submarine innovation continues in the post-Cold War security environment…with substantially greater roles in land attack and special operations forces delivery.[/i] — Admiral Henry Chiles, U.S. Navy, 2000 Today, you’ll have the chance to experience the lethality of modern submarine warfare, as [b]Command: The Silent Service[/b] has been released! [b]The Silent Service[/b] is the latest instalment in the award-winning CMANO franchise, this time featuring 18 intense standalone scenarios featuring a vast array of missions involving submarines of different type, nation and decade. [i]“In this new thrilling expansion, we turn our attention from the air- and surface/ground-centric conflicts of Shifting Sands to the depths of the high seas, as you'll explore the progression of submarine operations from the Korean War right up to today's headlines. Witness first-hand how technological advances like the snorkel, nuclear power, cruise and ballistic missiles, silencing measures and advanced sensors, computers and weapons have radically expanded both the remit and capabilities of the submarine platform - and how its hunters above and below the waves improved their own gear and tactics to keep up in the race.”[/i]