Command: MANO has been updated to version 1.13.6!

Command: Chains of War

20 minutes into the future, a spark erupts in the Korean peninsula that will lead to a theaterwide conflagration embroiling the entire Western Pacific and drag all major powers into it.

[b]Command Modern Air Naval Operations[/b] has been updated to version 1.13.6! Check the changelog below: * FIXED: WRA not allocating correct number of Tomahawks against mobile radar * FIXED: #12089: Torpedo 'flight' path * FIXED: Aircraft on Patrol mission do not follow attack throttle * FIXED: Buddy illumination issue (AH-64 vs SA-19) * FIXED: RTB with navigator course may cause aircraft to run out of fuel * FIXED: Mother of all edge cases for Ferry missions at Mil throttle * FIXED: THAAD datalink edge case (radar retains link to weapon when it shouldn't) * FIXED: Patriot PAC-1 vs Scud won't fire unless facing north * FIXED: Facilities and ships in groups twirl a lot, constantly trying to adjust their position within the group when speed is 0kt FIXED: Inactive minelaying missions lay one* mine outside minefield * FIXED: Submerged SDVs should not be detected by radar unless surfaced, and not by MAD either * FIXED: Sub-launched torpedo/missile detection not generating submarine datum * Fixed: "Hold Position" issues * Various fixes to mission planning