Make your own manga with ComiPo! The next gen manga software! Quickly make your own unique stories and situations simply by choosing 3D characters, poses, and all the other necessary items (background, bubbles ...) out of hundreds provided with ComiPo!
Once again, we are happy to announce the following update and additions to everyone's favorite ComiPo!
[h1]Update Details[/h1]
## Added [b]"Mouth Transformation"[/b] functions to "Change Face" dialog
The following settings are possible:
+ Mouth Position
+ Mouth Width
+ Mouth Height
## Added "Bonus Items" as preset assets
- Added "Bonus Items Vol.1 - 14" as preset assets.
- Added the following new Bonus Items:
+ [b]Vol.15 "Sheep"[/b] adds the cute sheeps Yochan and Uchan to Animal_5
+ [b]Vol.16 "Monkey"[/b] adds the facetious Sarunosuke to Animal_6
## Added [b]"Pose snap assets"[/b]
Added 79 new snap assets in the following categories:
+ [Pose] - Action
+ [Pose] - Chair
+ [Pose] - Gesture
+ [Pose] - Sitting
+ [Pose] - Stand
## Improved [b]"Change Pose"[/b] dialog
- Gave the name to poses.
- Added "Pose Search" function.
## Added [b]"Operation Guide"[/b] function
When the mouse pointer is over the layer, guide message
about the point will be displayed on the status bar.