Combat Mission: Cold War - Holiday Tournament

Combat Mission Cold War

CM Cold War is set in the tipping-point years of a conflict that gripped the world for 45 years. Between 1979-1982, both the NATO and Soviet Warsaw Pact militaries began the shift away from industrialized warfare of the early 20th century and towards the modern digital battlefield of today. 

We are pleased to announce the first [b]Combat Mission Cold War full Tournament![/b] The Tournament will begin [b]Wednesday December 21st at 5pm GMT[/b]. You can join the Tournament anytime between now and when it begins. Join the tournament [url=][b]here[/b][/url] This Tournament will feature 3 rounds with 3 different scenarios. 2 of these scenarios are new and have been created specifically for this Tournament. Round 1: Jazreel Junction : Is a 35 minute meeting engagement at the Company Team level US vs Soviet June 1979 Round 2: All Quiet On The Eastern Front Tournament: Is a medium sized 35 minute meeting engagement set on 6th September 1981 between Soviet FSE and US task force advancing to contact. Round 3: Hunter and Prey: Is a small 30 minute battle. It is a Soviet armor attack on a US convoy [b]Before joining the tournament, please take a moment and carefully read these instructions that are specific to all Combat Mission Tournaments!!![/b] [list] [*] Because of the way that Combat Mission’s original “play by email” system works, both game files have an in game field for password protection of the file. This field should be left blank. For the US side the password has been selected before the battles were sent and that field is to be left blank. You can use a password for the Russian side but it isn’t needed because the Tournament feature handles protection from cheating without using the in game system. [*] The Tournament will have you playing 2 individual battles where you are playing both sides of the same battle. If you get into the game before your opponent, you will see 1 game turn to play. If your opponent has gotten there first then you will see 2 turn files and each turn thereafter should have 2 files. [*] Once a tournament begins you will receive the files in the "Saved Game and PBEM" drop menu under Automated PBEM++ In Progress. You will receive email notifications when your opponent has sent you turns. [*] You will need a Matrix user name and password to play any tournament (or PBEM++ battle). If you don't have one already you can get one [url=][b]here[/b][/url] [/list]