ColdSide - Update 1.01


ColdSide is a psychological horror first-person game. It takes place in an abandoned underground laboratory that studied anomalous phenomena.

This update includes various improvements and bug fixes. [b]Update 1.01[/b] [list] [*] Fixed - On the first level, the bucket could fall and prevent the player from going further. [*] Added - Hints for non-obvious points. Some hints may not appear immediately, but after several failures to the players. [*] Added - Now the game can be played without killing a soldier on the second level (added choice) [*] Added - New achievement "I am not a killer" [/list] [b]Warning! Due to the peculiarities of the engine, after the update, the old save may not work by clicking the "Continue game" button. Select a level from the game menu.[/b]