Code of Princess V 1.10 Update! + RPG Maker Asset Pack!

We've listened to your critiques and comments, and we've been hard at work implementing some of the most requested features! Along with some tweaks and adjustments, we're bringing you an entirely new way to play with your friends. Introducing [b]Quest Set[/b]; a new coop mode specifically tailored to uninterrupted and more casual play! Enjoy uninterrupted play with your friends online, jumping from quest to quest without the need to create a new lobby each time. Quest Set also allows the player to start an online session alone, and have friends drop in or out in between missions! Don't have a full roster? No problem! Quest Set also allows you to fill any vacant spots with CPU players to help you tackle the more difficult quests! In addition to this update, we're also happy to announce the release of the [url=]RPG Maker MV - Code of Princess Graphic Set[/url] to show our gratitude for the continued support from our fans. Bring the action of Code of Princess into your RPG Maker projects with this free DLC! [b]Patch Details[/b] [list] [*]New coop online mode Quest Set [*]Text skip function speed increased from 4X to 32X. While using text skip function, videos will also be skipped. [*]Pause function assigned to [1] key now assigned to [SPACE] key instead. [*]Fixed graphical issues for various HP/MP gauges including player HP/MP gauges, enemy HP gauge, lock-on HP gauge, and Boss HP gauge. [*]Improved overall AI; enemies will be more aggressive, and won't run away as much. [*]Balanced main characters; main characters now are impervious to Guard Crush. [/list]