Cocoon Hotfix #1

Steam Community Items

[h3]Thank you to everyone who has played Cocoon since launch on Friday! It's been great to see it resonate with so many players.[/h3] [h3]Full Patch Notes:[/h3] [list] [*] An improved system for checking and unlocking achievements has been implemented. We weren't able to find a bug with how this was functioning previously, but the game will now check for achievement unlocks more robustly on startup. [*] The game's resolution now defaults to the max 16:9 supported resolution by the user's display. [*] We made sure that there is always at least one 16:9 resolution option with max height in the UI. [*] Fixed an issue with 144 Hz monitors not being able to run the game higher than 48 fps. We recommend the locked 72 fps option for users with these displays. [*] Added the ability to run the game at higher than 60 fps for displays above 60 Hz. [*] Added a non-vsynced 60 fps option for screens that don't support vsynced 60 fps. [*] Fixed target FPS values displayed in the UI, [*] Fixed two small bugs related to orb bots getting suck. [*] Added a small hint for the last password puzzle. [*] While it's not part of this update, we just wanted to mention here that the game has officially been Verified for Steam Deck. Enjoy! [/list] We're planning to continue addressing issues that players report, so please let us know in the forums if you encounter any! steam://openurl/