So I am happy to say that we are DONE with The Grandfather, but I'd like to do a closed BETA (this Tuesday thru Friday 4/26-4/29) to get some opinions on a few small things, and also give some of you YouTubers out there a chance to be the first to do LP's on your channels. This is the FULL game, so you are getting a FREE early copy of The Grandfather.
What I'm mainly looking to test:
- Audio mix (is the BG too loud compared to the narration?)
- I need MAC tested, I would even like to do a Skype session with some of you while you actually play the game
- Opinions on the difficulty and uniqueness of the puzzle types for future reference
I am giving out 25 KEYS of the FULL GAME for this Closed BETA. I especially need a few MAC people, and YouTubers and Twitchers. If you want a Key please email me here to get on the list:
In your email plz BE SURE to firstly mention if you are PC or MAC, if you are MAC let me know if you'd be willing to do a play through while doing a SKYPE call with me (screen share), and link me to your YouTube or TWITCH Channel.
This will be the full game, if you're a YouTuber you are free to make videos and do whatever you wish with the build, all I ask is if you do an LP of the entire game please mention **SPOILERS** in the beginning of your video.
Thank you for your interest in The Grandfather, look forward to hearing from you guys.