Closed Alpha v.0.1.1

Hunters Inc Playtest

[h1]New Features[/h1] [list] [*]Improved vulnerable / invulnerable state communication for queen spider [*]Added bushes you can hide in to remove aggro [*]New "hunter vision tracking" system activated by finding bone piles [*]Made spears easier to pickup [*]Can now hit multiple enemies in a single swing more consistently [*]Increased railroading in spawn room [*]Ongoing UI consistency pass [*]Ongoing Level ambience [/list] [h1]Notable Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Should no longer get a level generated with a really low "ceiling" collision volume [/list] [h1]Known Issues[/h1] [list] [*] Hunter vision red "target blob" disappears before the black and white visual effect occasionally [*] Bone pile interact radial appears to stall for host occasionally [/list]