Citizen Sleeper 2 still has "around a year of development left", likely coming in 2025

Citizen Sleeper

Roleplaying in the ruins of interplanetary capitalism. Live the life of an escaped worker, washed-up on a lawless station at the edge of an interstellar society. Inspired by the flexibility and freedom of TTRPGs, explore the station, choose your friends, escape your past and change your future.

When we published our most anticipated games of 2024 list last month, eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that there was one notable absence: Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector. Don't get me wrong - I'm still very much looking forward to continuing my journey through the Helion System in the follow-up to 2022's exquisite sci-fi RPG, but when developer Jump Over The Age first announced it last June, I got the sense it would take quite a bit longer than the next 12 months to come out. Now, Jump Over The Age has confirmed that, yep, "there's around a year left of development" to go on the game, putting its release firmly into 2025 territory.

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