Cities Skylines meets Starfield in space with this strategy game


Quriocity is a sci-fi city builder game set on a bare alien planet very similar to Earth. Build and upgrade a wide variety of units to extract resources and provide services, such as maintenance, food production, education, entertainment and many more.

Quriocity has piqued my curiosity with its unique space setting and city-building strategy game elements. After taking off for its early access launch back in 2022, Oxeliz Games has been hard at work preparing the sci-fi game for its full release. Quriocity is leaving early access today, with a variety of new features for players to check out such as new areas, upgrades, and more. While it is aesthetically pleasing, the game isn't always easy, as its extraterrestrial world features a dynamic weather system and other such struggles that you'll have to overcome.

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