ChrysantheMUM’s the Word

Blush Blush

You are responsible somehow for a curse that befalls 12 unfortunate hawt dudes. Now you have to find them and break the curse with your love!!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34491490/01772465ced82e1130756dd16790237eee28ca22.png[/img] Hey Panda Peeps, Trust an assassin to be prepared… to go all night at a hot summer festival! Scale’s Kimono Outfit is finally here, and he brought extra snacks! And his own lantern! Not because he’s scared of the dark or anything - because he knows better than anyone that a few well-placed shadows can make any rendezvous extra heart-pounding. If you long for Scale to take you by the hand and lead you down a cramped alley, or win you an epic prize utilizing his particular set of skills, this Kimono Outfit will have him mission ready! All you have to do is complete his Limited Time Event. It’s on right now, so log in today and start collecting those Daily Event Tokens! We love you so hard, The Pandas