Chrono Ark Official Release + Release Trailer

Chrono Ark

Chrono Ark is a singleplayer roguelike that combines elements from deckbuilders and party-based RPGs. Recruit, train, and build a team of unique Investigators to restore the Twisted World!

Hello everyone. This is the director of Chrono Ark, Hyung-Ju Lee. After four years of Early Access, the official release is finally here! It's all thanks to the Tumblbug crowdfunding, the YouTuber '타코리뷰' (now '지식한입'), Steam's Early Access feature, Bilibili's '怕上火暴王老菊', '独立游戏蜥蜴君', and '少年Pi', and [b]all of you players[/b]. Without any one of these, this project would have been impossible. Thank you! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36176731/177f7d4fac8bd4253d286830292f978fd8f5c35c.png[/img] [h3]Official Release Trailer[/h3] [previewyoutube=N7i4Fvuvi2Q;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Additional DLC 'Summer Twilight' Now On Sale[/h3] The Summer Twilight DLC has been released and is now playable! [url=]Summer Twilight Store Page[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36176731/63038b2b00bbe9feb2cdeeb59b3e0851cfa21f02.png[/img] And... It's time to introduce our next project after Chrono Ark. [h2]Deception Engine[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36176731/d738c3560c2656248906cfd10daa327c0523b035.png[/img] Deck Building Heist RPG [h1]Story[/h1] 11 cities and engines, the end of the world, betrayal, infiltration, and... a heist. The criminal organization 'Engine Raiders' that aims to steal the 'engines', the heart of each city, to revive the 'City of Domination'. And the city 'Utopia' that faces against them. And the 'protagonist', a spy of 'Utopia', disgused as a chief member of the 'Engine Raiders'. Their story now begins. [h1]System[/h1] 'Deception Engine' will feature a combat system similar to 'Chrono Ark', but more refined. There will be combat visuals and dungeon progression. (A heist!) There will also be a base management system reminiscent of 'Darkest Dungeon, XCOM', and a suspenseful noir-esque story. Stay tuned for more information! [h3]Thoughts on Chrono Ark Development[/h3] This is only my personal story as the 'Developer Hyung-Ju Lee', and it's not related to the game, so there's no need for you to read it. Hello everyone. I am Hyung-Ju Lee, a developer of Chrono Ark and alfine. It's been a long journey. After 3 years of development and 4 years of Early Access, Chrono Ark is finally complete. Actually, Chrono Ark is my 2nd project. What was the first project? Well... it was a failed project. This first project, which I programmed in my third year of high school, failed. I was devastated and spent 1 year of doing nothing, but then I finally decided to give game development one last try, which led to 'Chrono Ark'. When I first started developing Chrono Ark, I was working part-time at a convenience store. I worked on the game in an unheated alcove, with a laptop on the floor and a blanket over my head, with nothing but a dream to make a fun game once more. After a long development period, there were only two team members remaining when we launched the game in Early Access, including myself. We launched the game in Early Access as a 2-member team, and then used the profits to recruit more team members and develop the game further... In the midst of it all, I became ambitious and wanted to include a lot of things, so I tried this and that. This process delayed the game by a lot. And finally! Chrono Ark is now officially released. I feel a little older now. I recognize that there was both good and bad updates during the development of Chrono Ark. I learned what people like, what people don't like, why the development period was so delayed, and what I can do well. Based on my experience in developing Chrono Ark, I want to make an even better next game! Thank you. [h3]fan made[/h3] Momori Cosplay [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36176731/7593e67270ec621dbbf816e1102de619af36980c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36176731/6e35fdef398e567592a7e848726d8b9a4d8db11a.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36176731/f954e1d3e7f893552b5e0f64fd69611ca7dbb131.png[/img] by Deovolente [url=]FullVersion[/url]