Chinese Frontiers: Prologue, coming soon!

Chinese Frontiers

Discover life in a Chinese settlement founded during the construction of the Great Wall. Acquire new skills, learn to work smart, and be clever. When the enemy comes, you need to be prepared.

We have just launched [i]Chinese Frontiers: Prologue[/i] on Steam and it's right [url=]HERE[/url] ! Within the next few days you will be able to sign up for [i]Chinese Frontiers: Prologue[/i] playtest. If you want to try the game for free before others and give us some feedback about the Prologue, add it to you WishList and follow Prologue's page on Steam. According to your feedback after demo release, we focused more on the chinese historical village in Prologue, here you can see in general what we prepared for you: [previewyoutube=75PoTG9xAdc;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]