Chapter 6 released!

Demonheart: The Cursed Trial

You are a girl with a demonic heart, trapped with a group of suspicious individuals. A demonspawn arrives, setting off a chain of mysterious murders. Can you trust any of your fellow captives and find love in the chaos? Or will you fight for your life alone?

[h2]Hello, demonhearts! ːRedTridentː[/h2] [h2]I have some good news - Chapter 6 has been included in the game build today![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43965018/6a36655bc032b44606be531d772aab390cc7f469.jpg[/img] With around 21.900 words of new content, this takes the game over 133.000 words - my longest game so far. ːdazed_yetiː The story continues, with only one more chapter left to go (which will have multiple endings.) I hope you'll enjoy the new addition! ːWitchAriː