Majestic Nights is an episodic action-adventure-thriller set in an alternate 1980s where all conspiracy theories, past and present are True. It’s the bright and brash 1980s; a world crammed with hidden intrigue and sinister plots, government cover-ups and alien sightings, CIA experiments and the Truth.
Hey everyone!
We probably do owe you an explanation by this point, and wanted to give you an update on where Majestic Nights is at and how far off Episode 2 is.
As you would have noticed, it certainly hasn't launched in 2014 as it was supposed to. Being brutally honest here, the reception we got for the first chapter (and prologue chapter) wasn't what we wanted it to be. We're incredibly grateful to our fans, but the criticism was loud, specific and gave us a whole heap of ideas for how we could do better!
So rather than keep to the schedule and deliver Chapter 2 and beyond on time but under par, we went back to the drawing board and started re-working the way the whole game works. We've been working on Majestic Nights now for years, and are completely in love with the characters, the setting, the music and the story. The last thing we wanted was to push the other chapters out the door after a misstep early on. We're far more dedicated to the series than that.
But we do owe you an update and explanation, so I'd like to give you the first screenshots of Chapter 0 and 1 revised (with our whole new lighting engine - and notice the re-worked HUD which will make a big difference), which we'll reveal properly soon on Steam. More importantly a large amount of revision was done in animation. On the whole it’s still not perfect but it’s a major improvement.
Controller support got a major update with far more support for different controllers. We still want to know if you have issues but it should be enhanced.
Finally, we have been working on Linux support. We need a few beta testers for this. If you’re interested in testing on Linux let us know
Chapter 2 will be available on Late May to Early June 2015, with some special surprise content enhancements.
However, because you have been awesome we are going to update some of the soundtrack in advance for all the season pass holders.
Thank you so much to everyone here for your patience and for sticking with us and the games.
- The Epiphany Games Team