Changelog 07/03

Simple Trains

Simple Trains is a transit simulation game where you build efficient railroad networks and manage trains and routes. Streamline complex passenger flow utilizing eight unique upgrades!

Another round of changes to address feedback we've gotten. [list] [*] Balancing: Made end-game a bit harder and added a death-stage where the spawning speed on all stations is doubled at the very end. Since the end-game is now harder anyway, I do not expect anyone to reach this death-stage, but if they will, they should most certainly die there. [*] Limited the amount of capacity upgrades that can be attached to a single station to 3. [*] Fixed problem where upgrade cards might get clicked by accident because they are instantly clickable. Now the upgrade cards aren't clickable until the intermission screen fade in animation has completely finished. [/list] Above balancing change was made to prevent players from reaching a never-ending-end-game-state where they could just let the game sit and do its thing. See below video by u/-Xentios to get an idea of what that looked like: Many thanks especially to Lim and u/-Xentios for providing feedback and helping us improve the game!