Change to gold-ranks in easy mode

Joon Shining

Master the elements. Explore mystical worlds. Harness ancient powers. Joon Shining is an enchanted golf-like platformer with a fantasy twist. Use magic to bend physics, influence environments, and make impossible shots, as you puzzle your way through a strange & mythic multiverse

[b]Gold ranks are now only achievable when easy mode is off[/b] This was a tricky decision, but we landed on this because ultimately, Joon Shining’s sweet spot is as a challenging game, and the gold ranks, especially in later levels, are carefully formulated puzzles which didn’t translate to easy mode (because par is more generous in easy mode, so there’s no need to puzzle out an optimal route to get gold, and so one of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of the game would have been lost). We hope this encourages you take the time to transition from easy mode to not-easy-mode, and to master the game’s high skill ceiling and shoot for golds in all the levels! A super-challenging but richly rewarding journey!