Challenging Mode

Delivery Express

"Delivery Simulator": Drive and upgrade your delivery vehicle to handle more packages and improve energy efficiency. Tackle increasing daily challenges to become the ultimate delivery master.

[h1]This month Challenge[/h1] [list] [*] only 1 Day [*] Time To Package Event Active [*] No Cards [*] more Traffic [*] no Money per Package [*] 250$ Start Money [*] Expensive Rechargers [*] Expensive Police costs [*] Starter Upgrades for you Vehicle [/list] [h1]Top 3 Prices[/h1] [list] [*] 1. Price: 15$ [*] 2. Price: 10$ [*] 3. Price: 5$ [/list] You can always see the current Leaderboard in our Game on the bottom left. [h2]This Event end's on the 30th of June[/h2] [h1]To get your Price later, you have to be in our Discord Server, with a linked Steam account.[/h1]