[h1]New! [/h1]
Daily Challenge is a new single-player mode that allows the [i]Sagrada [/i]community to compete against each other on a level playing field. All participating players will use the same window pattern, objectives, and tools to vie for the top score of the day. At the end of each day, top performing players earn gold, silver, or bronze badges based on their position which will decorate their name on future attempts.
[*] Fixed a softlock that occurred when reconnecting to a game and pressing the Join button at the same time.
[*] The feedback prompt will now properly format text as it is entered.
As always, we appreciate your feedback and support as we continue to make Sagrada the best digital experience possible. If you do encounter an issue or need help, please drop us a line at Support@DireWolfDigital.com so we can see what’s up.
And if you’re enjoying [i]Sagrada [/i], please take a moment to rate & review the game to help spread the word to other players!
Thanks for your support!
Daily Challenges are a fun new twist on classic puzzling play. See how you stack up against community competition when Daily Challenges come to [i]Sagrada[/i]!