Celebrate the Holidays With a Tale of Love, Pain, and Complex Human Relationships in Bokuten - Why I Became an Angel!

Bokuten - Why I Became an Angel

One day while practicing archery, Tomoe shoots an angel out of the sky. While he doesn't believe in love, the angel Aine literally sings its praises. Like it or not, Tomoe will have to help Aine play cupid to bring together all of the distressed couples they encounter.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/668360/Bokuten__Why_I_Became_an_Angel/][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33017084/01ff93154a2266f3161f859833503664eab9eb02.jpg[/img][/url] What is happiness? "Having nothing, means having nothing to lose." In this cold, cruel world where happiness is finite, and the pursuit is fraught with pain and suffering, what does it really mean to be happy? Love? The absence of pain? If you were gifted with the ability to revive fading loves, would you choose to do so? Would you let them all play out? Would you try reviving all of them? Or would you pick and choose, deciding which love, which happiness was worth trying to save? What about your own? Join us for the brand-new challenge from OVERDRIVE featuring a brand-new art style and a story that eschews typical archetypes to deliver a deep, heart-wrenching tale of love and happiness with a realistic bite! You can also pick up the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1207160/Bokuten_Original_Soundtrack__Vocal_Collection/]OST and vocal albums[/url] from the in-game band, as well as [url=https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/]MangaGamer[/url]'s very first [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1211820/Bokuten__Kick_Start_Generation_OVA__Album/]anime OVA release[/url] - Kick Start Generation - an animated live concert featuring the bands from Bokuten, Kira Kira, and DEARDROPS!