[h2]Level Adjustments[/h2]
- Adjusted difficulty and design for the following levels:
- W02_L02
- W02_L11A
- W02_L32
- W02_L35
- W02_L35A
- W03_L20
- W03_L26
- W03_L26A
- W03_L26B
- W04_L12
- W04_L14D
- W05_L21
- W05_L24
- Tweaked the level map styles
- Improved localization text
- Adjusted in-game menus to better fit 4:3 screens
We will be attending an game festival to promote CATO. We'll be back in a week to fix bugs! Thank you for your patience!
[h2]BUG Reporting Channels[/h2]
You can submit bugs via the bug submission button in the game's main menu or directly through the survey link: https://jsj.top/f/EMQrN3.
You are also welcome to join our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/mEUkzz6qKQ
Thank you for your support!